Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Father to the fatherless....

That moment when sharing one water bottle and one soccer ball with random kids is the highlight of your day... 

Most of you know that I coach a girl's soccer team. For the past couple months, soccer practice has been a hit or miss because of rainy season. Nobody wants to get struck by lightning or swept away by a torrential downpour. Plus, nobody cut the grass for like 3 months... And, aint nobody got time to tread through knee high grass!!!!

Anyways, someone finally cut the grass! So, yesterday we got to resume or Saturday practices. Score!
And then one girl shows up... Oh boy! What on earth do I do with one girl? The field that we play on is pretty ghetto, but it works. And there's a school and an orphanage right by the field. Kids usually climb the brick wall and sit on top/watch the big kids play.

WELL!!!! Guess who got to play on my team yesterday??? A bunch of shoeless kids. We had a blast! They had a basketball with them, so they were pretty excited to play with a nice soccer ball. Overall, I consider the whole thing a big blessing. The joy in seeing kids play and giggle washed over me and soaked down to the bone.

There is a father for the fatherless in this world. Thank you, God for sending your children my way to play. 

1 comment:

  1. Love you taking joy in the moment and running with it!! I know all those kids had a blast! So fun!
